Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. – 12 noon
Books sent by post on request
Reserve books by phone, email or on the member’s section of our website
Tél : 022 310 67 46
Our librarians know you.
Our librarians take the time to get to know you. They remember your interests and taste in books. They help you find what you are looking for, and suggest titles that they think you might enjoy. You can get in touch with them by email – they look forward to helping and advising you.
A brief chronology
Our founders donate books from their personal libraries
Our founders donate books from their personal libraries

The collection of Geneva brochures is created, 5,400 titles to date
The collection of Geneva brochures is created, 5,400 titles to date

Pastor Louis Segond catalogues the 30,000 volumes in our collection
Pastor Louis Segond catalogues the 30,000 volumes in our collection

Eugène Sue himself donates a copy of his novel Le Juif errant
Eugène Sue himself donates a copy of his novel Le Juif errant

Henry Dunant donates a first-edition copy of his book Souvenir de Solférino
Henry Dunant donates a first-edition copy of his book Souvenir de Solférino

The Société hires its first librarian, Louis Montchal. Léon Bloy later dedicates The Desperate Manto him
The Société hires its first librarian, Louis Montchal. Léon Bloy later dedicates The Desperate Manto him

Victor Marguerite’sLa garçonnecauses a scandal in France, but enters the collection nonetheless
Victor Marguerite’sLa garçonnecauses a scandal in France, but enters the collection nonetheless

A committee is formed to select new books for the library
A committee is formed to select new books for the library
The first issue of Plume au vent is published
The first issue of Plume au vent is published

The Geneva Room is created, featuring 2,500 books about Geneva across disciplines
The Geneva Room is created, featuring 2,500 books about Geneva across disciplines

The librarians begin organising thematic exhibitions
The librarians begin organising thematic exhibitions
A children’s section is created on the 3rd floor
A children’s section is created on the 3rd floor

A new photography section is created, and borrowing goes online
A new photography section is created, and borrowing goes online

These and many other stories and anecdotes from the library’s long, fascinating history are recounted in a commemorative book published on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Société, available at the library (ref. 0.3 SDL)